Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Filter index in SQL Server

A Filtered Index, which is an optimized non-clustered index, allows us to define a filter predicate, a WHERE clause, while creating the index. The B-Tree containing rows from the filtered index will contain only those rows which satisfy the filter criteria used while creating the index. This optimized index offers several benefits over a full table non-clustered index as follows:
  • As discussed above, the filtered index contains only those rows which satisfy the defined filter criteria. As a result it reduces the storage space requirement for the index. In the example below I will explain it more.
  • The filtered statistics or statistics for a filtered index are more compact and accurate, because they consider only the rows in the filtered index and the smaller size of the filtered index reduces the cost/overhead of updating the statistics.
  • The impact of data modification is less with a filtered index as it is updated only when the data of the index is impacted or a new record is inserted matching the filter criteria.
  • Maintenance costs will be reduced as well since only a subset of rows will be in consideration while re-organizing or rebuilding the index.
  • And most important, as it is an optimized non-clustered index, the query performance will improve if only a subset of data, which is covered by the filtered index criteria, is required.

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